aircraft -- ESTERM

aircraft (T40810 1.b) ● any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth's surface (EUR) (=airborne vehicle) (T60483) õhusõiduk ● seade, mille tõstejõud atmosfääris moodustub õhu vastumõjul, välja arvatud maa- või veepinnalt põrkunud õhu vastumõjul (X30040 § 5-1) Õhusõidukid jagunevad riiklikeks ja tsiviilõhusõidukiteks. (X30040 § 5-2)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; PO8 -- foreign policy & international relations; TVZ -- professions & careers (sn: only in relation to Employment - Working Conditions & Ergonomics)
(Märkus: EN: airborne vehicle (T60483)FR: aéronef (T60483)DE: Luftfahrzeug (T60483)FI: ilma-alus) (T60483)
national civil aircraft register tsiviilõhusõidukite riiklik register ● Vabariigi Valitsuse poolt andmekogude seaduse (RT I 1997, 28, 423; 1998, 36/37, 552; 1999, 10, 155) alusel asutatud andmekogu tsiviilõhusõidukitele riikkondsuse andmiseks ja nende omandiõiguse rahvusvaheliseks tunnustamiseks. (X30040 § 16-1) (=Eesti Vabariigi tsiviilõhusõidukite riiklik register) (X40070) VAREM: lennukiregister (X0004)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; JU5 -- administrative law; AU8 -- information management systems - database & databank - data
aircraft accident ● an occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which any person suffers
death or serious injury as a result of being in or upon the aircraft or by direct contact with the aircraft or anything attached thereto, or the aircraft receives substantial damage (EUR) (Märkus: SÜNONÜÜM: kasutatud ka X2019 tõlkes, kuna siin ei ole mõistet täpselt defineeritud .) (=air accident) (EUR)
lennuõnnetus ● õhusõiduki kasutamisega seotud õnnetusjuhtum, mis toimub ajavahemikus alates hetkest, mil keegi isik astub õhusõiduki pardale kavatsusega sooritada lend, kuni kõigi pardal viibinud isikute õhusõidukist lahkumise hetkeni ja mille kestel keegi isikutest saab surma, surmavalt või raskesti vigastada või õhusõiduk saab tõsiseid vigastusi, on teadmata kadunud või asub ligipääsmatus kohas (X30040 § 48-1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; MEA -- traffic medicine; AD7 -- public safety services; JU8 -- tax law; fiscal law
military aircraft (EUR) ● aircraft - a flying-machine. Since the 1930s commonly restricted to denote an aeroplane (as distinct from a balloon or airship). (OED) sõjalennuk (X2007 55-1) ● maa-, mere- või õhuobjektide hävitamiseks ja sõjaliste eriülesannete täitmiseks ehitatud või kohaldatud lennuk. Eristatakse pommitus-, ründe-, hävitus, luure- jm lennukeid. (ENE) Toll ei kontrolli Eesti Vabariigi kaitseväe teenistusülesandeid täitvaid sõjalaevu, sõjalennukeid ja muud sõjatehnikat, piirivalve teenistusülesandeid täitvaid ujuvvahendeid ja õhusõidukeid ning päästemeeskondade teenistusülesandeid täitvaid veokeid ja tehnikat ... (X2007K3 § 55-1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; DEI -- air force; TV2 -- organisations in the subject field; JU8 -- tax law; fiscal law
crew of an aircraft Confidentiality of information given voluntarily, in particular by the crew of aircraft subjected to ramp inspections, will be ensured by de-identifying extensively the source of such information. (7121) (=aircraft crew) (=flight crew) (EUR) lennuki meeskond Sotsiaalmaksuga ei maksustata järgmisi käesoleva seaduse § 2 lõike 1 punktides 1, 2 ja 6 nimetatud isikutele makstud summasid või antud soodustusi: ... laevade ja tsiviillennunduse lennukite meeskondadele antava tasuta kollektiivtoitlustamise ratsiooni maksumust reisidel viibimise ajal riigisiseste töölähetuste päevarahade alampiirides. (X2055 § 3-6) (=õhusõiduki meeskond) (X30040) (=lennumeeskond) (KIR)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRZ -- professions & careers; SO8 -- welfare - public assistance; TR8 -- air traffic
(Märkus: Õhusõidukil on olemas "crew". See omakorda reisilennukil jaguneb kahte ossa: "flight crew" - lennumeeskond ehk see meeskond, kes juhib lennukit. Euroopa dokumentides on olnud veel "cockpit crew", millel on täpselt sama tähendus. Teine osa on "cabin crew", kes ka on meeskond, kuid ei tegele lennuki juhtimisega. Seda oleme tõlkinud üheselt kui "salongimeeskond".
"Flight personnel" või "flight staff" on meeskondade ja igasuguste lendurite kohta käiv laiem mõiste ja seda kasutatakse harilikult väga üldistavalt kui juttu on näiteks firma kogu lendavast personalist jne.)
aircraft captain ● the aircrew member designated by competent authority as being in command of an aircraft and responsible for its safe operation and accomplishment of the assigned mission (EUR) (=aircraft commander) (EUR) (=captain of the aircraft) (U50131) õhusõiduki kapten (X30023 10) ● piloot, kes vastutab õhusõiduki käitamise ja ohutuse eest lennu ajal (X30040 § 28-1) Õhusõiduki meeskonna tööd juhib kapten eesmärgiga tagada õhusõiduki, selle reisijate, lasti ja lennuliikluse ohutus. (X30040 § 28-2)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRZ -- professions & careers; MGA -- internal combustion engines; SI -- Metallurgy - Iron & Steel - Non-ferrous Metals
state aircraft (EUR ) (TERMIUM) riiklik õhusõiduk ● õhusõiduk, mida kasutatakse kaitseväe-, tolli- või politseiteenistuses (X30040 § 5-3)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; EC -- Economics (sn: macroeconomics; nt: generic field; rf: Commerce and Movement of Goods, see: CO; Financial Affairs - Taxation - Customs, see: FI); JU19 -- terms and phraseological elements particular to legal language; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
aircraft nationality (TERMIUM ) (2675) Among the most important points resolved in the 1919 Paris Convention were that aircraft should have a nationality, that they should have the nationality of the state in which they were registered, and that no aircraft could be validly registered in more than one state. (BRI) õhusõiduki riikkondsus ● teatud riiki kuuluvus (näit. lennukite puhul) (EKS) Eestis registreeritud õhusõidukil on Eesti riikkondsus. (X30040 § 6)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; JUD2 -- aviation law; JU19 -- terms and phraseological elements particular to legal language; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
aircraft used for special purposes eriotstarbeks kasutatav õhusõiduk Välisriikide sõjaväe või eriotstarbeks kasutatava õhusõiduki sisenemise Eesti õhuruumi ja väljumise õhuruumist otsustab Vabariigi Valitsus igal üksikjuhul eraldi. (X30040 § 4-5)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; JUD2 -- aviation law; JU19 -- terms and phraseological elements particular to legal language; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
civil aircraft ● an aircraft other than a public aircraft, and other than those owned by the government (TERMIUM) This chapter complements the Arrangement on guidelines for officially supported export credits. It sets out the particular complementary guidelines that are applicable to officially supported export credits for financing sales or leases of large civil aircraft listed in the Appendix and supersedes the terms of the OECD "Standstill" (TC/ECG/M/75.1, item 6 and Annex III, A) with respect to such aircraft. (T40149) tsiviilõhusõiduk Õhusõidukid jagunevad riiklikeks ja tsiviilõhusõidukiteks. (X30040 § 5-2)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TR8 -- air traffic; JU19 -- terms and phraseological elements particular to legal language; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
aerobatic aircraft (EKSPERT ) (TERMIUM) ebaharilike omadustega õhusõiduk ● õhusõiduk, mille käitamine erineb tavapäraste õhusõidukite käitamisest hoolduse, lennuomaduste või piloteerimise poolest (X30040 § 5-5)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TR8 -- air traffic; JU19 -- terms and phraseological elements particular to legal language; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
powered aircraft mootoriga õhusõiduk Mootoriga õhusõiduki keskkonnakõlblikkusnõuded kehtestab Vabariigi Valitsus. (X30040 § 15-2)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TR8 -- air traffic; JU19 -- terms and phraseological elements particular to legal language; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
aircraft maintenance engineer (TERMIUM) õhusõiduki hooldemehhaanik Õhusõiduki meeskonnaliikme ja hooldemehhaanikuna, lennuliikluse lennujuhi ja -informaatorina ning lendude korraldajana on lubatud tegutseda isikul, kellel on kehtiv ja Eestis tunnustatud lennundusluba. (X30040 § 23-1) (Märkus: SÜNONÜÜM: suunas en-et kasutada ühe "h-ga" varianti, st "mehaanik") (=hooldusmehaanik) (X40082)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRZ -- professions & careers; JU5 -- administrative law; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
manning of aircraft (EKSPERT) õhusõiduki mehitamine ● õhusõiduki komplekteerimine pädeva, lennuohutust tagava meeskonnaga (X30040 § 27-1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRZ -- professions & careers; JU5 -- administrative law; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
member of the crew of an aircraft 1. 24 July 1999; Air Fiji Bandeirante; near Suva, Fiji: The aircraft was on a domestic flight from Suva to Nadi when it struck a ridge in a mountainous region of the island nation. Both crew members and all 15 passengers were killed. (7432) 2. Acts of espionage committed after leaving the aircraft by members of the crew of an aircraft or by passengers transported by it are subject to the provisions of the Land Warfare Regulations. (7433, 28) õhusõiduki meeskonnaliige ● kehtivat lennundusluba omav lennundusspetsialist, kes täidab vajalikke ülesandeid õhusõiduki lennu ajal (X30040 § 27-1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRZ -- professions & careers; JU5 -- administrative law; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
operator of an aircraft (=aircraft operator) (EKSPERT) õhusõiduki käitaja ● peab tagama õhusõiduki mehitamise lennundusspetsialistidega, kes omavad kehtivat lennundusluba ja keda volitatakse täitma erialaseid ülesandeid lennu ajal (X30040 § 27-3)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRZ -- professions & careers; JU5 -- administrative law; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
aircraft incident (Allikas: 65283.j) ● an occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft which affects or could affect the safety of operations (6528, 3.j) lennuintsident ● õhusõiduki kasutamisega seotud, lennuohutust mõjutav, kuid mitte lennuõnnetusega lõppenud sündmus, mis toimub ajavahemikus alates hetkest, mil keegi isik astub õhusõiduki pardale kavatsusega sooritada lend, kuni kõigi pardal viibinud isikute õhusõidukist lahkumise hetkeni (X30040 § 48-2)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; NO6 -- units of measurement; JU5 -- administrative law; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
aircraft insurance ● any kind of insurance pertaining to the ownership and use of aircraft. A broad field covering both domestic and international operations involving hulls, liability, passenger liability, airport and hangar keepers liability. (TERMIUM) õhusõidukite kindlustus Kahjukindlustuse liigid on: ... 4) raudtee veerevkoosseisu kindlustus; 5) õhusõidukite kindlustus; 6) laevade kindlustus; ... (X30072 § 8-4)
Valdkond: AS9 -- aircraft insurance; AG31 -- documentation systems and information systems in the subject field; ME -- Medicine - Pathology - Surgery; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
aircraft liability insurance ● 1. insurance which insures against liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of the aircraft (TER)
2. aircraft liability - all liability arising out of the use of aircraft (including carrier's liability) (T50172) (=aircraft liability) (T50172)
õhusõiduki valdaja vastutuskindlustus Kahjukindlustuse liigid on: ... 12) õhusõiduki valdaja vastutuskindlustus ... (X30072 § 8-4)
FR: R . C . vehicules aériens (T50172) DE: Luftfahrzeughaftpflicht (T50172) FI: ilmakuljetusvastuu (T50172)
Valdkond: AS9 -- aircraft insurance; AG31 -- documentation systems and information systems in the subject field; ME -- Medicine - Pathology - Surgery; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
aircraft certification (WPG-48) ● certification in relation to an aircraft, used to indicate compliance with the appropriate requirements concerning aircraft type, airworthiness state, registration, etc (WPG-48) The Union has adopted directives on the mutual acceptance of cockpit personnel licenses. It also adopted a regulation with the objective of producing common rules for the certification of aircraft, maintenance organizations and air operators as well as for the licensing of personnel involved in aviation safety and aircraft operations. (T0050) õhusõidukite sertifitseerimine
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; CEP7 -- Agreements; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law
(Märkus: FR: certification des aéronefs (WPG-48)DE: Zulassung von Flugzeugen; Musterzulassung von Flugzeugen) (WPG-48)
noisy aircraft (WPG-935) The Union, in view of making all operators bear the same burdens, has adopted a number of directives on the gradual phasing-out of noisy aircraft. (T0050) müra tekitav lennuk
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; JUJ -- Community Law (sn: specific aspects of Community Law; rf: Community Constitutional Law, see: JU42; us: for practical applications, see: CE); NO4 -- standardisation; NO4 -- standardisation; JUJ -- Community Law (sn: specific aspects of Community Law; rf: Community Constitutional Law, see: JU42; us: for practical applications, see: CE)
(Märkus: FR: aéronef bruyant (WPG-935)DE: Flugzeug mit starker Geräuschentwicklung) (WPG-935)
subsonic aircraft (WPG-1416) ● an aircraft incapable of sustaining level flight at speeds exceeding flight Mach 1 (WPG-1416) Council Directive 80/51 of 20 December 1979 on the limitation of noise emissions from subsonic aircraft (T0050) eelhelikiirusega õhusõiduk (TSR)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; JUC2 -- company law; JU9 -- civil law; ME8 -- public health; ME9 -- occupational diseases
(Märkus: FR: aéronef subsonique (WPG-1416)DE: Unterschalluftfahrzeug (WPG-1416)FI: ääntä hitaammin lentävä ilma-alus) (TIS) (Märkus: ; alisooninen lentokone (EUR); aliäänikone) (EUR)
non-power driven aircraft The carriage by air of passengers, mail and/or cargo, performed by non-power driven aircraft and/or ultra-light power driven aircraft, as well as local flights not involving carriage between different airports, are not subject to this Regulation. (T2033) mootorita õhusõiduk (Allikas: LENNUNDUSSEADUSE PRO§ 56-1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; EN -- Environment - Environmental Protection; OR -- International Organisations; JU75 -- position of the individual; ME9 -- occupational diseases
ultra-light power driven aircraft The carriage by air of passengers, mail and/or cargo, performed by non-power driven aircraft and/or ultra-light power driven aircraft, as well as local flights not involving carriage between different airports, are not subject to this Regulation. (T2033) ülikerge mootorõhusõiduk
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; OR -- International Organisations; OR -- International Organisations; JU75 -- position of the individual; ME9 -- occupational diseases
safe operation of aircraft ... 'arrangements' means arrangements developed under the auspices of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) for cooperation in the development and implementation of joint requirements in all fields relating to the safety and safe operation of aircraft. (T2199) õhusõiduki ohutu käitamine (EKSPERT) Lennuvälja või lennuväljaku kasutamiseks õhusõidukite lennutegevuse korraldamisel peab lennuväljal või lennuväljakul olema sertifikaat, mis kinnitab selle vastavust õhusõidukite ohutu käitamise nõuetele. (X30040 § 36-1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TE6 -- materials science; TR8 -- air traffic; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law; EN5 -- environment affected
very light aeroplane Type certification of products and parts: JAR 22 Sailplanes and powered sailplanes up to and including Amendment 22/92/1 JAR 25 Large aeroplanes up to and including change 14 JAR AWO All weather operations up to and including Amendment AWO/91/1 JAR E Engines up to and including Amendment E/93/1 JAR P Propellors up to and including change 7 JAR APU Auxiliary power units up to and including Amendment APU/92/1 JAR TSO Technical standards orders up to and including change 2 JAR VLA Very light aeroplanes up to and including Amendment VLA/92/1 JAR 145 Approved maintenance organisations' (T30252) (=very light aircraft) (=VLA) (T2199) ülikerglennuk (EKSPERT)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TE -- Technology - Engineering; TR8 -- air traffic; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law; EN5 -- environment affected
(Märkus: Vt ka kirjet 'microlight aircraft' - "ülikerglennuk".)
substitute aircraft Exceptions for certain technical agreements
1. The prohibition laid down in Article 85 (1) of the Treaty shall not apply to the agreements, decisions and concerted practices listed in the Annex, in so far as their sole object and effect is to achieve technical improvements or cooperation. This list is not exhaustive.
2. If necessary, the Commission shall submit proposals to the Council for the amendment of the list in the Annex. ... the organisation and execution of substitute transport operations for passengers, mail and baggage, in the event of breakdown/delay of aircraft, either under charter or by provision of substitute aircraft under contractual arrangements ...
asendusõhusõiduk (EKSPERT)
FR: un aéronef de remplacement DE: Ersatzflugzeug
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRD -- freight; goods traffic; TRF -- transport services; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law; EN5 -- environment affected
joint purchase of aircraft parts If necessary, the Commission shall submit proposals to the Council for the amendment of the list in the Annex. ... the exchange, leasing, pooling, or maintenance of aircraft, aircraft parts, equipment or fixed installations for the purpose of operating air services and the joint purchase of aircraft parts, provided that such arrangements are made on a non-discriminatory basis ... (T2173) õhusõiduki osade ühisost
FR: l'achat en commun de piéces d'aeronefs DE: gemeinsame Aschaffung von Luftfahrzeugersatzteilen
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRD -- freight; goods traffic; TRF -- transport services; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law; EN5 -- environment affected
fixed installations for aircraft If necessary, the Commission shall submit proposals to the Council for the amendment of the list in the Annex. ... the instruction or uniform application of technical standards for fixed installations for aircraft, where such standards are set by an organisation normally accorded international recognition ... (T2173) õhusõiduki püsiseadmed
FR: les installations fixes DE: ortsfeste Luftfahrzeugeinichtungen
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRF -- transport services; JUC -- commercial law; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law; EN5 -- environment affected
aircraft push back The Commission may, in particular adopt such regulations in respect of agreements, decisions or concerted practices which have as their object any of the following: ... -technical and operational ground handling at airports, such as aircraft push back, refuelling, cleaning and security ... (T2177) õhusõiduki "saba ees" pukseerimine (EKSPERT)
FR: roulage au sol DE: Abzichen von Finger
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; COA -- accountancy & commercial arithmetics (sn: applied accountancy; us: for accouncy theory, see: ECB1); AD5 -- public procurement; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law; EN5 -- environment affected
microlight aircraft Other major durables for recreation and culture (D) - Camper vans, caravans and trailers - Aeroplanes, microlight aircraft and hang-hliders ... (T30421) (=ultra-light aircraft) (EUR) ülikerglennuk ● seda tüüpi lennukil on 1 mootor, mitte rohkem kui 2 istet; kogukaal enamikus riikides kuni 450 kg, mõnel pool aga kuni 800 kg (EKSPERT) (Märkus: Siiamaani on tarvitusel vaste "kerglennuk", kuid see on ebatäpne ja eksitav (aastast 1993). Lennuamet koostab uut eeskirja, kus nii 'microlight', 'ultralight' kui 'very light aircraft'i' vaste on 'ülikerglennuk'.) (EKSPERT) VÄLDI: kerglennuk
FR: (=U.L.M.) (T30421) (EUR) DE: Ultraleichtflugzeug (T30421) FI: kevytlentokone (T30421)
Valdkond: TR -- Transport; MAC -- special methods of calculation; NO7 -- measuring instruments (sn: mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical measuring instruments); TRA -- vehicle disposal - ship disposal - aircraft disposal (rf: vehicle industry, see: INT); JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law
Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Civil Aircraft This Arrangement shall apply, except that where relevant, the provisions of the Sector Understanding on Export Credits for Civil Aircraft (Annex IV to this Arrangement), which complements this Arrangement, shall apply in lieu of the corresponding provisions of the Arrangement. (T40149) sektorilepe tsiviilõhusõidukite ekspordikrediidi kohta
FR: accord sectoriel sur le crédits a l'exportation d'aeronefs civils (T40149) DE: Sektorvereinbahrung über Exportkredite für zivile Luftfahrzeuge (T40149) FI: siviililentokoneiden vientiluottoja koskeva alakohtainen sopimus (T40149)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRD -- freight; goods traffic; CEPM2 -- specific commercial policy measures (nt: non-tariff measures established as part of the common commercial policy in the form of Community rules governing arrangements for the import or export of goods,such as surveillance or safeguard measures,quantitative limits or restrictions and import or export bans); JUA -- administration of justice; JUF -- private international law; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
large commercial aircraft ● aircraft flown for hire or reward (TERMIUM) LARGE COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT
1. Form and scope
This chapter complements the Arrangement on guidelines for officially supported export credits. It sets out the particular complementary guidelines that are applicable to officially supported export credits for financing sales or leases of large civil aircraft listed in the Appendix and supersedes the terms of the OECD "Standstill" (TC/ECG/M/75.1, item 6 and Annex III, A) with respect to such aircraft.
suur äriotstarbeline õhusõiduk ● tsiviilkäibes olev õhusõiduk, mis veab tasu eest reisijaid, posti ja lasti (kaupa) (EKSPERT) VÄLDI: suured kaubalennukid
FR: avion commercial (T40149) DE: Luftfahrzeug (T40149) FI: kaupallinen lentokone (T40149)
Valdkond: INT4 -- shipyards; TR84 -- aircraft maintenance (rf: aircraft industry, see: INT4); CO -- Commerce - Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; nt: further breakdown of subject field ECC); JUA -- administration of justice; JUF -- private international law; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
turbine-powered aircraft ... turbine-powered aircraft - including helicopters - (e.g. turbo jet, turbo-prop, and turbo-fan aircraft), with generally between 30 to 70 seats. In case a new large turbine-powered aircraft with over 70 seats is being developed, immediate consultations shall be held upon request with a view to agree on the classification of such an aircraft in this category or in Chapter I of this Understanding in view of the competitive situation ... (T40149) gaasiturbiinmootoriga õhusõidukid (TET)
Valdkond: MGA -- internal combustion engines; TV7 -- safety at work; CO -- Commerce - Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; nt: further breakdown of subject field ECC); JUA -- administration of justice; JUF -- private international law; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
take-off weight of aircraft õhusõiduki stardimass Õhusõiduki registreerimise eest tasutakse riigilõivu 7000 krooni + 200 krooni õhusõiduki maksimaalse lubatud stardimassi iga tonni kohta. (X40031 § 110-1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; BZ4 -- general botany; FI -- Financial Affairs - Taxation & Customs (sn: microeconomics 2; nt: further breakdown of ECF); JU71 -- sources of international public law; JU71 -- sources of international public law; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
hijacking of aircraft (TERMIUM ) (EUR) õhusõiduki kaaperdamine ● lennul oleva õhusõiduki juhtimise ebaseaduslik ülevõtmine või õhusõiduki meeskonna vaba juhtimisõiguse ebaseaduslik piiramine vägivalla või pettusega (X30068 § 111)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRE -- transport safety; DEM -- army medical service; JU71 -- sources of international public law; JU71 -- sources of international public law; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
power driven aircraft The carriage by air of passengers, mail and/or cargo, performed by non-power driven aircraft and/or ultra-light power driven aircraft ... (T2033) mootorõhusõiduk Määrus ei laiene reisijate, posti ja lasti õhuveole, mis toimub mootorita õhusõidukiga või mootorõhusõidukiga stardimassiga kuni 450 kg. (X40081 § 2)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; SPC -- touring - holidays & leisure; TR6 -- inland waterway traffic; TR8 -- air traffic; PHD -- nuclear physics; atomic physics; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
Airworthiness Requirements for Aircraft õhusõidukite lennukõlblikkusnõuded (X40082)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; ST82 -- tourism statistics; TR6 -- inland waterway traffic; TR8 -- air traffic; PHD -- nuclear physics; atomic physics; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
aircraft checklist ● checklist - ... a list carried in an airplane setting forth procedures and/or instructions to be followed before and during various flight phases such as preflight, takeoff, landing, etc. (TER) õhusõiduki kontroll-leht Õhusõiduki kontroll-lehed (kaardid), pealkirjad mõõteriistadel ja sildid kabiinis peavad olema lennukäsiraamatuga samas keeles. (X40082 § 10)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; ST82 -- tourism statistics; TR6 -- inland waterway traffic; TR8 -- air traffic; PHD -- nuclear physics; atomic physics; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
Environmental Eligibility Requirements for Powered Aircraft mootoriga õhusõiduki keskkonnakõlblikkuse nõuded (X40070)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; BA -- Civil Engineering - Building; SO -- Social Sciences - Society (rf: Ethnology & Folklore, see: HI; Religion, see: RP); TR8 -- air traffic; PHD -- nuclear physics; atomic physics; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
single-engine aircraft (TER) ühemootoriline õhusõiduk Sertifikaadi käitamistingimustes ei pea nimetama teiselt lennuettevõtjalt ajutiselt ... renditud õhusõidukeid, kui ... tegemist on ühemootoriliste alla 2000-kg stardimassiga õhusõidukitega; ... (X40083, 20.1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; JU15 -- legal classifications; JUJ1 -- Agricultural Law; TR8 -- air traffic; PHD -- nuclear physics; atomic physics; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
registration mark of the aircraft (EKSPERT) õhusõiduki registritunnus Vee- või õhusõiduki raadioloa väljastamise taotlus peab sisaldama järgmisi andmeid: ...2) laeva nimi või õhusõiduki registritunnus; ... (X40089 § 11-6)
Valdkond: ELA -- telecommunications technology (sn: transmitters and receivers; rf: telecommunications - signalling - postal services, see: OO); ELB -- transmission (sn: transmission of analog and digital signals) - commutation; OO6 -- telephone network (rf: telephone technique, see: ELA4); TR8 -- air traffic; PHD -- nuclear physics; atomic physics; CEP -- Treaties - Agreements - Conventions - Cooperation - Commonity Policy - Commercial Policy
Approval of Procedure for Formation of Aircraft Incident Investigation Committees lennuintsidendi uurimise komisjoni moodustamise korra kinnitamine Käesolev lennuintsidendi uurimise komisjoni moodustamise kord (edaspidi kord) sätestab toimunud lennuintsidendi uurimiseks vajaliku ametkondliku uurimiskomisjoni moodustamise, eesmärgiga tagada toimunud intsidendi tekkepõhjuste objektiivne väljaselgitamine nende edaspidiseks vältimiseks ja üldise lennuohutuse tagamiseks. (X40087, 1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; JU95 -- civil liability; JU71 -- sources of international public law; JUF -- private international law; JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law
aircraft equipment lennutehnika Lennutehnika uurimisi ja katsetusi teostatakse komisjoni otsusega, kooskõlastatult valmistajariigi volitatud esindajaga. (X40087, 19)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; FI8 -- money & currency; JU71 -- sources of international public law; JUF -- private international law; JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law
aircraft near collision ● aircraft neat miss - any circumstance in flight where the degree of separation between two aircraft is considered by either pilot to have constituted a hazardous situation involving potential risk of collision (TER) (=aircraft near miss) (TER) õhusõidukite ohtlik lähenemine ● õhusõidukitevaheline kokkupõrkeoht . Õhusõidukite ohtlike lähenemiste puhul tuleb iga õhusõiduki kohta anda järgmised andmed ja selgitused: lennu tegelik kiirus; kaldenurga suurus ja lennu suund, tõus, laskumine, horisontaallend ... (X40087, lisa 1.16)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TR53 -- traffic control; JU71 -- sources of international public law; JUF -- private international law; JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law
Conditions for Issue of Certificates for Construction, Manufacture and Maintenance of Aircraft õhusõiduki ehitamiseks, valmistamiseks ja hooldamiseks sertifikaadi väljaandmise tingimused (X40086)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TR53 -- traffic control; JU71 -- sources of international public law; JUF -- private international law; JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law
aircraft station licence (=aircraft radio station licence) (EUR) õhusõiduki raadioluba ÕHUSÕIDUKI RAADIOLUBA
(X40089, lisa 7)
Valdkond: OO6 -- telephone network (rf: telephone technique, see: ELA4); TR -- Transport; TR6 -- inland waterway traffic; TR8 -- air traffic; JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law
experimental aircraft (TER) eksperimentaalõhusõiduk Välisriikide eksperimentaalõhusõidukite lennud sisenemisega Eesti õhuruumi ... võivad toimuda ainult Lennuameti loal. (X50033 § 39)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; JU15 -- legal classifications; FI2 -- organisations in the subject field; EN9 -- air pollution & toxic gases; JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law
Procedure for Forced Landing of Aircraft õhusõiduki sundmaandamise kord Käesolev kord sätestab tsiviilõhusõiduki (edaspidi õhusõiduk) sundmaandamise korra kooskõlas Rahvusvahelise Tsiviillennunduse Organisatsiooni (RTO) 1944. a Chicago rahvusvahelise tsiviillennunduse konventsiooni artikliga 5 ja lisaga (Annex) 2 ning sisaldab RTO dokumendi 9433 põhimõtteid. (X50048 § 1)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; JU15 -- legal classifications; EN -- Environment - Environmental Protection; TR5 -- land transport (sn: other than railways); JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law
recreational aircraft (T60697 ann III.B) sportlennuk
FR: avions de sport (T60697) DE: Sportflugzeuge (T60697)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; SPG -- flying; ECB -- prices & costs - accountancy & debiting - cost-benefit analysis; TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
aircraft engine ● an engine used to provide the main propulsive or lifting power for an aircraft (EUR) Parts for spark-ignition internal combustion engines, excluding parts for aircraft engines (T50609) õhusõiduki mootor (EKN2002 ) (TET ) (TSR)
Valdkond: MG -- Mechanical Engineering (sn: construction & machine parts); TR8 -- air traffic; MGA -- internal combustion engines; TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
marginally compliant aircraft ● civil subsonic jet aeroplanes, that meet the certification limits laid down in Volume 1, Part II, Chapter 3 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation by a cumulative margin of not more than 5EPNdB (Effective Perceived Noise in decibels), whereby the cumulative margin is the figure expressed in EPNdB obtained by adding the individual margins (i.e. the differences between the certificated noise level and the maximum permitted noise level) at each of the three reference noise measurement points as defined in Volume 1, Part II, Chapter 3 of Annex 16 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (T61007) müra piirväärtusega õhusõiduk (EKSPERT)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; ENC3 -- noise & vibration; TE -- Technology - Engineering; TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
aircraft noise Details of noise contours for the current and previous years - including an assessment of the number of people affected by aircraft noise. (T61007) õhusõidukite müra (10235)
Valdkond: ENC3 -- noise & vibration; TR8 -- air traffic; TE -- Technology - Engineering; TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
aircraft security check ● an inspection of the interior of an aircraft to which passengers may have had access and an inspection of the hold for the purpose of discovering prohibited articles (T70091) õhusõiduki julgestuskontroll (EKSPERT)
Valdkond: TRE -- transport safety; TR8 -- air traffic; TV7 -- safety at work; TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
(Märkus: DE: Luftfahrzeug-Sicherheitskontrolle (T70091)FI: ilma-aluksen turvatarkastus) (T70091)
aircraft security search ● a thorough inspection of the interior and the exterior of the aircraft for the purpose of discovering prohibited articles (T70091) õhusõiduki läbiotsimine (EKSPERT)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TR8 -- air traffic; TV7 -- safety at work; TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
(Märkus: DE: Luftfahrzeug-Sicherheitsdurchsuchung (T70091)FI: ilma-aluksen turvaetsintä) (T70091)
all-cargo aircraft All cargo, courier and express parcels intended to be carried on passenger or all-cargo aircraft shall be subjected to the security controls detailed hereunder before being placed on board the aircraft. (T70091) kaubalennuk
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRE -- transport safety; TV7 -- safety at work; TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
all-mail aircraft Mail carried on passenger, all-cargo and all-mail aircraft shall be subjected to security controls before being placed on board an aircraft. (T70091) postilennuk
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; TRE -- transport safety; TV7 -- safety at work; TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
hold of an aircraft (T70091 ann, 1.1) ● hold - compartment used for the stowing of heavy baggage and freight; usually located in the lower part of the fuselage, under the cabin (TER) õhusõiduki lastiruum (7462 ) (EKSPERT)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; EC -- Economics (sn: macroeconomics; nt: generic field; rf: Commerce and Movement of Goods, see: CO; Financial Affairs - Taxation - Customs, see: FI); TV7 -- safety at work; TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
(Märkus: DE: Frachtraum eines Luftfahrzeugs (T70091)FI: ilma-aluksen ruuma) (T70091)
rotorcraft ● a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft supported in flight by the reactions of the air on one or more rotors (EUR) .. when the product is one of the following:
1. a very light aeroplane or rotorcraft, a sailplane or a powered sailplane, a balloon, a hot air airship;
(T71654) (=rotating wing aircraft) (EUR) (=rotary wing aircraft)
tiivikõhusõiduk (X30040) Teede- ja sideminister kehtestab 1944. aasta Chicago rahvusvahelise tsiviillennunduse konventsiooni (RT 1992, 6, 85; RT II 2000, 2, 12) ja 1990. aasta Küprose ühtsete lennundusnõuete väljatöötamise, vastuvõtmise ja rakendamise kokkuleppe (RT II 2000, 2, 13) rakendamiseks:...
2) nõuded lennukitele, tiivikõhusõidukitele, nende mootoritele, abimootoritele, propelleritele, lennuki lennusimulaatoritele ning lennu- ja navigatsiooniprotseduuride treeningvahenditele;
(X30040K3) (=tiiviklennuk) (TSR)
Valdkond: TR8 -- air traffic; IN -- Industries & Crafts - Finished Products (sn: manufacture / manufacturing processes & types of products only; us: for use, refer to respective subject fields); AU -- Automation - Computer Science - Information Technology (sn: data processing); TR56 -- motor vehicle maintenance (rf: motor vehicle industry, see: INT1); TRE -- transport safety; JU71 -- sources of international public law
(Märkus: FI: roottori-ilma-alus (T71654)FR: aéronef ? voilure tournante (T71654)DE: Drehflügler) (T71654)