authorization -- ESTERM

activity licence (Märkus: (X1043) tõlkes on kontekstist tulenevalt kasutatud "operating licence". (X30042) on "krediidiasutuse tegevusluba" (vastavate direktiivide eeskujul) "authorisation of credit institution". NB! ET-EN suunas kasutada alati S-varianti nii "authoriSation" kui analoogiliste sõnade puhul.) (=authorization) (T0057) tegevusluba 1. Kohtupsühhiaatriaekspertiisi teevad sellekohase tegevusloaga psühhiaatrid. (X1050 § 6-2) 2. Vabatahtlikult sotsiaalhoolekandes osalevad juriidilised ja füüsilised isikud osutavad sotsiaalteenuseid ja annavad muud abi Vabariigi Valitsuse, Sotsiaalministeeriumi, maavanema või kohaliku omavalitsusorganiga sõlmitud lepingu või valla- või linnavalitsuse poolt antud tegevusloa ja Sotsiaalministeeriumi poolt antud riikliku tegevuslitsentsi alusel. (X1043 § 5-5) (=tegevuslitsents) (X40092) (=litsents) (8117)
Valdkond: JU5 -- administrative law; JU41 -- national constitutional law; DE6 -- military service; JUJL -- Labour Law; Employment Law
authorisation The authorisation referred to in paragraph 1 shall be granted by the Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal from the Commission and after consulting the European Parliament. (T1001) (=authorization) luba
Valdkond: CE44 -- administration - organisation - working methods - procedures; JU19 -- terms and phraseological elements particular to legal language; ECM -- monetary policy; ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO)
invalidate an authorization volitust tühistama Kui kohus on esindaja protsessist kõrvaldanud või tema volituse tühistanud, võimaldab kohus esindataval võtta uue esindaja. (X2049 § 88-7)
Valdkond: JU9 -- civil law; JUA5 -- procedural law; CE46 -- EU financing - EU budget; JUJL -- Labour Law; Employment Law
authorization of plant protection product (T40576 2.1) ● administrative act by which the competent authority of a Member State authorizes, following an application submitted by an applicant, the placing on the market of a plant protection product in its territory or in a part thereof (WPG) taimekaitsevahendite lubamine (Märkus: SÜNONÜÜM: Vt kirjet 'plant protection product' - taimekaitsetoode.
Vaste muudetud keeletoimetaja (IPU) ettepanekul, endine vaste: taimekaitsetoote kinnitamine.)
(=taimekaitsetoote lubamine)
FR: autorisation d'un produit phytopharmaceutique (EUR) (T40576) DE: Zulassung eines Pflanzenschutzmittels (EUR) (T40576) FI: kasvinsuojeluaineen hyväksyminen (EUR) (T40576)
Valdkond: AGJ -- legal aspects; ICG -- agrochemicals; PH8 -- acoustics; JU71 -- sources of international public law
marketing authorization (T0052 ann lk 221) (WPG-829) Only after a single scientific evaluation of the highest possible standard of the quality, safety or efficacy of technologically advanced medicinal products, to be undertaken within the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal
Products, should a marketing authorization be granted by the Community by a rapid procedure ensuring close cooperation between the Commission and Member States. ... The Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products established by Article 8
of Directive 75/319/EEC, in this Title referred to as 'the Committee', shall be responsible for formulating the opinion of the Agency on any question concerning the admissibility of the files submitted in accordance with the centralized
procedure, the granting, variation, suspension or withdrawal of an authorization to place a medicinal product for human use on the market arising in accordance with the provisions of this Title and pharmacovigilance.
müügiluba 1. Ravimiamet väljastab ravimitootjatele ja hulgimüügiettevõtetele ravimite müügilubasid, ravimite impordi- või ekspordilubasid ning kontrollib narkootiliste ja psühhotroopsete ravimite importi, eksporti, säilitamist ja kasutamist. (X0011 § 5-7) 2. Müügiloa taotleja (edaspidi taotleja) on ravimitootja, kes taotleb müügiluba oma tootele. Müügiloa hoidja on ravimitootja, kellele on väljastatud ravimpreparaadi müügiluba (edaspidi müügiluba). Müügiloa hoidja peab tagama registreeritud ravimi kättesaadavuse ja selle vastavuse tingimustele, mille alusel väljastati müügiluba. (1510, 1.11, 1.12)
Valdkond: ME -- Medicine - Pathology - Surgery; AGB -- fishing - fish breeding & aquaculture; IC6 -- explosives & ignition material; NO4 -- standardisation; JUJ -- Community Law (sn: specific aspects of Community Law; rf: Community Constitutional Law, see: JU42; us: for practical applications, see: CE)
regulatory or authorization system (WPG-1221) More generally it also requires appropriate inspection arrangements at the point of origin and at the external EU borders, and satisfactory laboratory testing arrangements so that the single market requirements can be implemented in an acceptable manner. Although in some areas the CEECs have already based their regulatory or authorization systems on those in the EU, ... (T0049) reguleerimis- või loasüsteem
Valdkond: AG -- Agriculture - Food Industry - Livestock Industry - Fisheries; ED7 -- higher education; CES -- European Patent Office; EPO; ME8 -- public health; ME9 -- occupational diseases
(Märkus: FR: réglementation ou régime d'autorisation (WPG-1221)DE: Zulassungsregelung) (WPG-1221)
single banking licence ( p.289) (WPG-1337) ● the second banking Directive introduces the principle of a single banking licence or authorization which grants banks the right to establish branches in other Member States or to provide cross-border services without a new authorization (but after notification to the host authorities) (WPG-1337) (=single banking authorization) (WPG-1337) ühtne pangalitsents (=ühtne panga tegevusluba) (T0057)
Valdkond: FI -- Financial Affairs - Taxation & Customs (sn: microeconomics 2; nt: further breakdown of ECF); TR -- Transport; MEG -- veterinary medicine; ME8 -- public health; ME9 -- occupational diseases
(Märkus: FR: licence bancaire unique (WPG-1337); agrément bancaire unique (WPG-1337)
DE: einmalige Bankzulassung)
authorization procedure Member States shall by legislative or regulatory provision lay down the working conditions for children in the cases referred to in paragraph 1 and the details of the prior authorization procedure ... (T1148) In exceptional cases and with proper justification, it may be decided, on the basis of the specific conditions laid down in the basic instruments governing cooperation and in accordance with the appropriate authorization procedures, to allow nationals of third countries to tender for contracts financed by the Community. (T40282) loa väljastamise kord
Valdkond: JU53 -- non-contentious administrative procedures; AD5 -- public procurement; CE46 -- EU financing - EU budget; JUJL -- Labour Law; Employment Law; ME9 -- occupational diseases
(Märkus: FI: valtuutusmenettely (T40282)DE: Genehmigungsverfahren (GG008-696)
FR: procédure d'authorisation (GG008-696))
arms subject to authorization The list of firearms subject to declaration shall include, if such arms are neither prohibited nor subject to authorization: a. repeater long firearms; b. single-shot long firearms with a rifled barrel or barrels; c. single-shot short
firearms with rimfire with a total length exceeding 28 cm; d. the arms listed in Article 80(2)(b).
loa olemasolu nõudvad relvad
Valdkond: FI7 -- customs; DEN -- arms & equipment (sn: types and use); JU9 -- civil law; JU66 -- penalties; ME9 -- occupational diseases
individual export authorization ● individual - existing as a separate indivisible entity; numerically one, single (OED) The exportation of scheduled substances listed in Category 1 of the Annex shall be subject to authorization in form of individual export authorizations issued by the competent authorities of the Member State in which the customs export declaration is to be lodged in accordance with the provisions in force. (T2169) ühekordne ekspordiluba
Valdkond: TR -- Transport; FI7 -- customs; CO8 -- foreign trade; JU72 -- international relations & international organisations (sn: legal aspects; us: for international Organsations, see: OR); JUJ2 -- 1968 Convention; Convention de Bruxelles (sn: legal principles); JU71 -- sources of international public law
open individual authorization In all other cases, the exportation of scheduled substances listed in Category 2 may be authorized at the request of the operators concerned on a global basis by the issue of an open individual authorization. The decision to issue such an authorization shall take into account the competence and integrity of the applicant together with the nature, volume and pattern of his involvement in these substances. In such cases, the holder shall enter the details of this authorization in the relevant customs export declaration. In accordance with the provisions laid down by the competent authorities, the holder of such an authorization shall furnish information in a summary form about exports made under the authority of the authorization. The open individual authorization may be suspended or revoked whenever there are reasonable grounds for belief that its holder is not longer a fit and proper person to hold an authorization, or that the conditions under which the authorization was issued are no longer valid. (T2169) ühekordne üldluba
Valdkond: TR -- Transport; FI7 -- customs; CO8 -- foreign trade; JU72 -- international relations & international organisations (sn: legal aspects; us: for international Organsations, see: OR); JUJ2 -- 1968 Convention; Convention de Bruxelles (sn: legal principles); JU71 -- sources of international public law
prior authorization (T30143 5.3) The prior authorization shall lay down the conditions under which the processing operations are to take place; these shall include:
- the quantities of goods to be exported and of products to be reimported, calculated by reference to the rate of yield fixed in the light of the technical data relating to the processing operation or operations to be carried out, if the data have been established or, if not, the data available in the Community for operations of the same kind,
- the procedures for identifying the temporarily exported goods in the compensating products,
- the time limit for reimportation depending upon the time necessary to carry out the processing operation or operations.
(T40143) (=prior authorisation) (T40775)
eelluba Päritolusertifikaat, mis on vormistatud organisatsiooni poolt, kes on selleks volitatud Eesti seadusandluse järgi, väljastatakse vastavuses Protokolli apendiksiga A kõikidele selle apendiksiga hõlmatud toodetele. See sertifikaat peab sisaldama viidet eelloale, mida on mainitud ülal toodud lõigus 6, tõendusena selle kohta, et töötlemisoperatsioon, mida ta kirjeldab, on toimunud Eestis. (2118)
FR: l'autorisation préalable (T30143) DE: vorherige Bewilligung, FI: ennakkolupa,
Valdkond: ECC -- Commerce & Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; us: for detailed breakdown, see: CO); EC -- Economics (sn: macroeconomics; nt: generic field; rf: Commerce and Movement of Goods, see: CO; Financial Affairs - Taxation - Customs, see: FI); EN -- Environment - Environmental Protection; AGB -- fishing - fish breeding & aquaculture; AGJ -- legal aspects; EN5 -- environment affected
transfer of authorization ... when products or goods are to be moved within the customs territory of the Community, either under a transfer of authorization or under a single authorization, the products or goods concerned shall be transported in accordance with the provisions concerning external transit. (T2197) üleantud luba
FR: transfert d'autorisation (T2197) DE: Übertragung einer Bewilligung (T2197) FI: luvan siirto (T2197)
Valdkond: FI7 -- customs; CO -- Commerce - Movement of Goods (sn: microeconomics 1; nt: further breakdown of subject field ECC); FI7 -- customs; TR5 -- land transport (sn: other than railways); TR -- Transport; EN5 -- environment affected
application for authorization to operate a customs procedure with economic impact (Allikas: GG024) ... an application for authorization to use a customs procedure with economic impact (including applications for authorization to operate a customs warehouse or use the customs warehousing procedure), hereinafter referred to as the 'application' shall be made out in writing. (T2197) majandusliku mõjuga tolliprotseduuri kasutamise loa taotlus
FR: demande d'autorisation pour bénéficier d'un régime dounanier économique (T2197) DE: Antrag auf Bewilligung eines Zollverfahrens mit wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung (T2197)
Valdkond: FI7 -- customs; FI7 -- customs; EC -- Economics (sn: macroeconomics; nt: generic field; rf: Commerce and Movement of Goods, see: CO; Financial Affairs - Taxation - Customs, see: FI); TR5 -- land transport (sn: other than railways); TR -- Transport; EN5 -- environment affected
application for renewal or modification of an authorization (Allikas: GG024) On a case-by-case basis, the customs authorities may allow the holder of an authorization to apply for its renewal or modification by written request, giving particulars of the earlier authorization and indicating any changes which need to be made. (T2197) loa uuendamise või muutmise taotlus
FR: demande de renouvellement ou de modification d'une autorisation (T2197) DE: Antrag auf Erneuerung oder nderung einer Bewilligung (T2197)
Valdkond: FI7 -- customs; FI7 -- customs; EC -- Economics (sn: macroeconomics; nt: generic field; rf: Commerce and Movement of Goods, see: CO; Financial Affairs - Taxation - Customs, see: FI); TR5 -- land transport (sn: other than railways); TR -- Transport; EN5 -- environment affected
draft authorization (Allikas: GG024) ... the customs authorities to which the application was presented, after satisfying themselves that the economic conditions can be considered fulfilled in respect of the planned operation, shall communicate the application and the draft authorization to the customs authorities of the other Member States concerned ... (T2197) loa projekt
FR: projet d'autorisation (T2197) DE: Entwurf der Bewilligung (T2197)
Valdkond: FI7 -- customs; TE -- Technology - Engineering; CH -- Chemistry; JUD1 -- maritime law; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law
authorization to use the inward processing procedure (T2109 116) (GG002-283) luba seestöötlemise protseduuri kasutamiseks (EKSPERT) VAREM: luba sisese töötlemise protseduuri kasutamiseks
Valdkond: FI7 -- customs; CEPC -- customs union & customs rules; TE8 -- transport & handling - warehousing; JU74 -- territorial sovereignty; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law
authorization to use the outward processing procedure (GG002-299) Authorization to use the outward processing procedure shall be issued at the request of the person who arranges for the processing operations to be carried out. (T2109) luba välistöötlemise protseduuri kasutamiseks (EKSPERT) VAREM: luba välise töötlemise protseduuri kasutamiseks
Valdkond: FI7 -- customs; CEPC -- customs union & customs rules; TE8 -- transport & handling - warehousing; JU74 -- territorial sovereignty; JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law
holder of the authorization ● the person to whom an authorization has been granted (T2109) loa omanik ● isik, kellele toll on väljastanud asjakohase tegevusloa või mõne muu käesolevas seadustikus ettenähtud loa (X40055) VAREM: loa pidaja
Valdkond: FI7 -- customs; CEPC -- customs union & customs rules; CE46 -- EU financing - EU budget; COA -- accountancy & commercial arithmetics (sn: applied accountancy; us: for accouncy theory, see: ECB1); JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law
authorization of expenditure (GG008-230) ● Authorization is the act whereby the authorizing officer, by the issue of a payment order, instructs the accounting officer to pay an item of expenditure which he has validated. (T30310) Each institution shall, by reasoned decision, appoint a financial controller who shall be responsible for verification of the commitment and authorization of all expenditure and verification of all revenue under the budget of the Communities in respect of which the institution is the authorizing body. (T30274) kulude kinnitamine
FR: ordonnancement des depenses (T30310) (GG008) DE: Anordnung der Ausgaben (T30310) (GG008) FI: menojen hyväksyminen (T30310)
Valdkond: CE46 -- EU financing - EU budget; FI5 -- public finances; TR7 -- maritime traffic; seaborne traffic; TRA -- vehicle disposal - ship disposal - aircraft disposal (rf: vehicle industry, see: INT); JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law
cabotage authorization Cabotage Authorization No... for the national carriage of goods by road in a Member State of the European Community performed by a non-resident carrier (cabotage). This authorization entitles (2) to carry goods by means of a motor vehicle or a coupled combination of vehicles, within a Member State of the European Community other than that in which the holder of this authorization is established, and to move such vehicle or combination unladen over any part of the territory of the aforesaid Community, as laid down in Regulation (EEC) No 3118/93 and subject to the general provisions of this authorization. (T30259) kabotaažiluba (EKSPERT)
Valdkond: TR5 -- land transport (sn: other than railways); TRJ -- legal aspects; FI5 -- public finances; TRA -- vehicle disposal - ship disposal - aircraft disposal (rf: vehicle industry, see: INT); JU15 -- legal classifications; JU71 -- sources of international public law
(Märkus: Eestis on maanteevedudes kabotaaž keelatud, vaid mõne riigiga on erikokkulepped, seega mõistet ei eksisteeri.) (EKSPERT)
transport permit (EKSPERT) The transport authorization to which the occasional services referred to in Article 2 (1) (c) of the ASOR may be made subject in accordance with Article 5 (3), where the conditions laid down in Article 5 (2) are not satisfied, shall be issued by the competent authorities of the Member State concerned. (T30262) (=transport authorization) (T30262) veoluba Veoluba on dokument, mis annab Eesti vedajale rahvusvaheliste autoveo kokkulepete alusel õiguse veose rahvusvaheliseks autoveoks vastavalt käesoleva määruse paragrahvi 6 lõigetele 2, 3 ja 4. (X50024 § 2)
Valdkond: TR5 -- land transport (sn: other than railways); TE -- Technology - Engineering; TR5 -- land transport (sn: other than railways); EN9 -- air pollution & toxic gases; JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law
manufacturing authorization Information and particulars to be included in an application for the establishment of a maximum residue limit for a pharmacologically active substance used in veterinary medicinal products.
1. Administrative particulars ... 1.4. Manufacturing authorization, if any.
FR: autorisation de fabrication (T50440) DE: Herstellungserlaubnis (T50440) FI: valmistuslupa (T50440)
Valdkond: EC -- Economics (sn: macroeconomics; nt: generic field; rf: Commerce and Movement of Goods, see: CO; Financial Affairs - Taxation - Customs, see: FI); MEG -- veterinary medicine; ASA -- insurance of sea, lake and river and canal vessels; TR5 -- land transport (sn: other than railways); JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law
veterinary registration number All approved semen collection centres shall be registered, each centre being given a veterinary registration number. (U50359) (=veterinary approval number) (U50962) (=veterinary number) (U50962) (=veterinary authorization number) (U50967) veterinaarloa number
FR: numéro d'enregistrement vétérinaire (U50359) DE: die Veterinärkontrollnummer (U50359) (U50962) FI: eläinlääkinnällinen rekisterinumero (U50359) (U50962)
Valdkond: AG9 -- stockbreeding (sn: land animals; rf: anamal diseases, see: BZA); MEG -- veterinary medicine; JUJ -- Community Law (sn: specific aspects of Community Law; rf: Community Constitutional Law, see: JU42; us: for practical applications, see: CE); TR5 -- land transport (sn: other than railways); JUF -- private international law; JU71 -- sources of international public law